Your Metabolism Is Aging Faster Than You: Here's How to Stop It!
May 10, 2023Why is it that, as we get older, losing weight feels like an uphill battle and we are suddenly feeling more tired than usual? Remember the good old days when we could eat absolutely anything and everything without gaining a single ounce, or stay up all night and still feel fresh as a daisy the next day? I know I do. Well, it's not just nostalgia. It's your metabolism, and it's been working undercover, slowly changing as we age.
Many of us notice these changes as we enter our 40s and 50s. I certainly found that 43 seemed to be the diving board that propelled me into these metabolic changes. The changes seemed to come over night too. The culprit if you have started to notice these things too, might just be your metabolism, which, believe it or not, could be aging faster than you are. Sounds concerning, right? But before you start to panic, let me reassure you that it's not a lost cause. In fact, far from it. It has become my obsession of late.
I wanted to delve into what metabolic aging means, why it happens, and most importantly, how you can slow down its pace and maintain your vigour and vitality, and really turn things around. This is not just some inevitable outcome. Sure some of it is, but the majority of these changes are related to lifestyle.
Understanding Metabolic Aging
Metabolic aging might sound a complex concept, but essentially, metabolic aging is all about the changes in our body's metabolic processes as we age. Metabolism, as you may know, is the process by which our bodies convert the food we eat into energy, how we express and use hormones, how we convert one thing into another in a way to maintain equilibrium and homeostasis, and control day to day physiology. All of these things come under the banner of metabolism or more specifically metabolic function.
Now, imagine your body's metabolism as a biological clock that ticks away at its own unique pace. This pace may not necessarily be in sync with your actual age. Some people have a metabolism that runs faster, making them seem younger in terms of their body's processes, while others have a slower metabolism that makes their body age faster.
Picture two friends who are the same age: one can eat anything they want without gaining weight, while the other gains weight easily and struggles to lose it. One friend is brimming with energy and sleeps soundly every night, the other struggles to drag themselves through the day and can barely get 4 hours of sleep in. This difference can be attributed to their metabolic age, which varies due to a combination of factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environment.
The beauty is though, a few simple tweaks can have a dramatic impact upon this picture.
Factors That Accelerate Metabolic Aging
As we embark on the journey to understanding what speeds up our metabolic clock, it's crucial to remember that it's a complex interplay of various factors. However, one aspect that plays a significant role is our lifestyle, specifically our dietary habits.
High intakes of processed foods, refined carbohydrates and simple sugars, and unhealthy fats can create a metabolic tidal wave.
Processed foods, for instance, are often high in added sugars, are built around terrible carbohydrate choices (white flour, white rice etc) and unhealthy fats such as refined seed oils, and are often low in fiber and essential nutrients. These foods can cause huge spikes in blood sugar levels, leading to insulin resistance over time, a condition where the body's cells become less responsive to the hormone insulin. This state of insulin resistance can accelerate metabolic aging, as it makes it harder for our bodies to regulate our blood sugar levels effectively.
Similarly, consuming excessive amounts of omega 6 rich oils and trans fats can lead to an increase in low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or 'bad' cholesterol, in our bodies. Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, a condition characterised by the build-up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the artery walls. This can further accelerate metabolic aging by promoting inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.
Then we need to consider physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle, characterised by prolonged periods of physical inactivity, compounds these dietary effects. Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining insulin sensitivity and promoting healthy blood lipid profiles, both crucial for slowing metabolic aging.
The impact of chronic stress and insufficient sleep cannot be underestimated either. Stress can trigger the release of cortisol, a hormone that can lead to increased blood sugar levels and weight gain when persistently elevated. Sleep deprivation can also disrupt metabolic functions, including glucose regulation and appetite control, further accelerating metabolic aging.
Finally, environmental factors such as exposure to pollutants and toxins, along with certain chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, can fast-forward our metabolic clock, leading to premature aging.
While this might seem overwhelming, remember, knowledge is power. By understanding these factors, we can make informed decisions about our lifestyle to slow down the pace of metabolic aging. So, let's get ready to learn how we can take control of our metabolic health!
The Impact of Metabolic Aging on Your Health
An aging metabolism isn't just about the numbers on the scale creeping up or feeling tired more often. It can have a domino effect, leading to a cascade of health issues if not addressed.
Firstly, let's talk about weight gain. When our metabolic rate slows down, our bodies become less efficient at utilising the fuel that we consume effectively, especially if that fuel is of poor quality (processed food). Refined carbohydrates for example are far more readily stored as fat, particularly around the abdomen, leading to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity. Remember when we talked about that friend who could eat anything and not gain weight? Well, metabolic aging can change that equation over time.
Metabolic aging can also impact our cardiovascular health. High intake of unhealthy fats and sugars, coupled with a lack of physical activity, can lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while decreasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or 'good' cholesterol. This imbalance can promote the development of atherosclerosis, leading to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
Furthermore, insulin resistance, a condition we discussed earlier, is a significant concern when our metabolism ages. When our bodies struggle to regulate blood sugar effectively, we're at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition that can further accelerate metabolic aging and lead to other complications, such as kidney disease and nerve damage.
Lastly, an aging metabolism can affect our energy levels and overall vitality. With a slower metabolic rate, our bodies might struggle to produce enough energy to keep us feeling vibrant and active. This can result in fatigue and a reduced capacity to engage in physical activity, creating a vicious cycle of inactivity and further metabolic slowdown.
While these potential impacts may seem daunting, understanding them provides the motivation to take control and make changes that support a healthier metabolic age.
Strategies to Slow Down Metabolic Aging
So much of what happens to our metabolic function as we age is determined by our lifestyles. Sure genes play their part but how we live influences how specific genes are expressed and activated. So, there are moves you can make today that can change this picture dramatically.
Get Whole:
Just as you wouldn't put low-quality fuel in a race car, we shouldn't put low-quality food into our bodies. Now we don’t have to follow any weird or wonderful restrictive diet plan. If you have followed my work for any length of time, you will know that it is just going back to simple wholesome basics. Opt for a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods. These include lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Such foods provide essential nutrients and help maintain stable blood sugar levels, promoting better metabolic health.
Get Moving:
Physical activity is crucial for keeping our metabolic rate humming. Regular exercise, especially strength training, can increase muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate, as muscles burn more calories than fat, even at rest. So, lace up those trainers, and remember, consistency is key! Other great activities, and my favourite second to strength training is walking. There is not a snowballs chance in hell that you will catch me doing burpees or HIIt training. Not on your Nelly. But a good long walk can burn more calories than jumping around like a loon.
Prioritise Sleep and Stress Management:
Sleep and stress might seem like unrelated factors, but they have a significant impact on metabolic health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night and try to manage stress through mindfulness practices, yoga, or other relaxation techniques. Managing these aspects can help regulate key metabolic hormones, contributing to a healthier metabolic age. I certainly have had major struggles with my sleep over the years and have found that getting into a routine, no caffeine after noon (yep), and some magnesium with my evening meal have had a great impact on the length and quality of sleep. Stress management….well I will get back to you on that one.
Regular Check-ups:
Regular health check-ups can provide crucial insights into your metabolic health. Monitoring parameters like blood glucose levels, cholesterol, and blood pressure can help detect early signs of metabolic imbalance, enabling timely intervention. Knowledge is power. The better you know yourself, the more proactive you can be.
Limit Exposure to Environmental Toxins:
While it's impossible to completely avoid all pollutants and toxins in our environment, we can take measures to limit our exposure. This might include using air purifiers at home, choosing organic produce when possible, or using natural cleaning and personal care products.
Remember, it's never too late to start making these changes. By implementing these strategies, we can slow down our metabolic clock and improve our overall health and vitality. It's all about taking one step at a time, and before you know it, these small changes will add up to a big difference in your metabolic health.
Lifelong change IS possible
It may have seemed that the state of our metabolic health is just an inevitable outcome of ageing. But it isn’t. We can be in the drivers seat here. The key takeaway here is that while aging is a natural process, how we age—specifically, how our metabolism ages—is something we can influence.
Remember, your body's metabolic clock doesn't necessarily have to keep time with your chronological age. By understanding the factors that accelerate metabolic aging and their impact on our health, we've taken the first steps towards taking control of our metabolic health. And by implementing personalised strategies, we can actively slow down our metabolic clock, improve our vitality, and reduce the risk of age-related health conditions.
Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, slowing down metabolic aging is a gradual process. It's about the small choices we make every day—choosing whole foods over processed ones, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, carving out time for relaxation and sleep, and being mindful of our environment. Over time, these small choices can have a big impact on slowing down our metabolic clock.
And remember, you're not alone in this journey. Make sure you follow me on social media, and connect with me so that I can help to support you on this journey to better health.
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